Pembridge CE Primary School

Pembridge CE Primary School

"Inspiring learning through faith and values"


"Brothers and sisters, continue to think about the things which are good and worthy of praise. Think about the things which are true and honourable and right and pure and beautiful and respected. Do what I told you and what you saw me do. And the God who gives peace will be with you." Philippians 4:8-9

With these words from St Paul creating our foundation for our ethos, our overriding aim is to provide a safe place for all pupils in our care so that each individual has the opportunity to reach their potential, academically, socially and spiritually.  We aim to create an environment where learning is enjoyed, and where all our community are challenged, motivated and see education as a shared and lifelong process. Our children, families and staff are valued – and in this ethos, all will flourish.

Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone's responsibility. Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families has a role to play. All practitioners make sure their approach is child-centred. This means they consider, at all times, what is in the best interests of the child. 

Keeping our children safe.

Nothing is more important at Pembridge, than ensuring

our children are safe and that they feel safe.

If our children and families are to receive the right help at the right time, everyone who comes into contact with them has a role to play in identifying concerns, sharing information and taking prompt action. Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is defined as:

  • protecting children from maltreatment; 
  • preventing impairment of children’s mental and physical health or development;
  • ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care;
  • taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.

Children includes everyone under the age of 18.

The Designated Safeguarding Lead is Robert Hollis, the headteacher.

The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead is Laurie Williams.

The nominated Governor for Safeguarding is Sharron Goode.

Please contact the school directly if you have any concerns regarding the safety or welfare of children or families you know. If the child or family is in immediate danger, ring 999. 

Other contacts are available as below:

  • MASH (Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub): 01432 260800   8:45am-5:15pm
  • Early Help Hub: 01432 260261
  • Emergency Duty Team (out of hours or at weekend): 01905 768020
  • NSPCC Whistleblowing Helpline: 0800 028 0285

Our school works alongside the Safeguarding Children and Young People in Herefordshire Partnership (SCYPiH)

You might find the following policies useful:

CEOP is here to keep children safe from sexual abuse and grooming online. You can make a report directly to the CEOP Safety Centre by clicking on the Click CEOP button below if something has happened online which has made you feel unsafe, scared or worried. This might be from someone you know in real life, or someone you have only ever met online. CEOP take all reports seriously and we will do everything we can to keep you safe. As well as making a report to the CEOP Safety Centre, the CEOP Education website has information and advice to help you if something has happened to you online.

Are you being bullied? CEOP are unable to respond to reports about bullying but if you’re being bullied and would like to talk to someone in confidence right now you can speak to Childline on 0800 1111 or talk to them online – no worry is too big or too small.