Pembridge CE Primary School

Pembridge CE Primary School

"Inspiring learning through faith and values"

Our Learning Journey in Mathematics

Our Vision for Mathematics

We aim to promote a life-long love for mathematics, where children have the confidence in their arithmatic skills, to reason mathematically and solve real-life problems across a range of contexts. Rich, meaningful experiences are provided and children are encouraged and challenged to reach their potential. The mastery approach adopted by our school supports a deep and sustainable understanding of maths, where concrete materials, pictorial representations and symbols are used to support children. To ensure its purpose and to make rich connections across subject areas, we make use of maths as a tool beyond our daily maths lessons. We want our children to move to their next stage in learning passionate about numbers and use them efficiently in their wider lives At.

At Pembridge, we use White Rose's small-step, mastery based schemes of learning to ensure that maths lessons meet all national curriculum guidelines in a fun, inclusive and age appropriate way.  Here you will find topics that are covered in each year group across the year.

The following White Rose Maths Calculation Policies are broken down into addition and subtraction policy and a multiplication and division policy.  At the start of each policy, there is an overview of the different models and images that can support the teaching of different concepts.  These provide explanations of the benefits of using the models and show the links between different operations.

You can find out more about what we do to flourish in maths here.

We use a variety of resources from ©White Rose and ©Maths Mastery from NCETM (National College for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics) to help structure the teaching and learning of maths through the school. Our maths lessons meet all the national curriculum expectations in a fun, inclusive and age-appropriate way. You will find the topics that are covered each term in each year group here. Teachers make flexible choices as to how they approach these topics in mixed-age classes.

In Early Years (the Reception year), the curriculum is organised along broad themes. You can see what maths looks like in Class 1 here.

You can find the expectations (from the National Curriculum) that children in each year group should be working towards and achieving by clicking on each number below:

1   2    3   4    5   6  

Resources to help you and your child with maths

We have various resources to help our children and their families. We recognise the way we calculate might be different to what has been learnt by some of our parents and carers. Please click here for advice on the formal written methods we use to add, subtract, multiply and divide.

The vocabulary we expect our children to know and use confidently in their maths continues to develop. Please click here for a list of words which might be helpful to use with your children.

You might find some of the questions in these real-life examples useful to explore with your children at home. There is guidance to help decide which year group each set of questions is appropriate for. Please ask in school for any help or support you need.

Maths Blast Worksheets:    

Our Maths Blast short five-minute tests are designed to help children develop their confidence to be fluent mathematicians. Knowing and retrieving basic facts quickly is still the best way to be able to answer more complicated questions correctly. Children need to answer EVERY question correctly in a short time before they move onto the next sheet.

1. Addition to 10                                                                 

2. Subtraction under 10                                                       

3. Number bonds to 10                                                        

4. Addition and subtraction up to 20                                    

5. Addition and subtraction to multiples of 10                      

6. 2 and 10 times tables                                                      

7. 2,5 and 10 ten times tables                                              

8. Number bonds to 100                                                      

9. 2,3,5 and 10 times tables

10. 2,3,5,10 and 4 times tables

11. 2,3,5,10 and 11 times tables

12. 2,3,4,5,8,10 and 11 times tables

13. 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 and 11 times tables

14. All times tables

15. Superstars division 60

16. Superstars division 80

17. Superstars division 100

18. Superstars fractions 60

19. Superstars fractions 80

20. Superstars fractions 100

Mathematical methods of calculation (Videos):

Using a number line for subtraction 

Using a number line for subtraction (Part 2) 

Partitioning for subtraction 

Partitioning for addition

Multiplication array 

Long multiplication method 

Division array

Column subtraction method

Some further advice and activities to try with your children:

Pembridge School Fractions

Dice Activities

Domino Activities

Playing Cards

PowerPoint from Maths Evening March 2017